Thursday 20 February 2014

OUGD503: Responsive - Collaborative brief / Bear cereal.

Bear Cereal.
Animal Alphabet.

As me and Caitlin were set on creating an animal inspired alphabet I looked around at ones that had already been created for inspiration. 

The alphabet below has been created by combining animals with letters, However the shape of the animal, is individual to the letter, the letter and the animal are not one but have been placed alongside each other, meaning that they could be easily separated from each other. We are looking to create a more integrated alphabet in which the animals take upon the shape of the letters.  

This kind of alphabet is more along the lines of what we are looking to create, combining the letter and the animal as one figure, gives a new representation of the letter, and helps signify to a child what the letter stands for. This seems to be a more traditionally produced alphabet via the medium of paint, we are looking to produce the alphabet with a more digital approach. I have noticed however the animals have not been associated with the letters alphabetically which could defiantly confuse children, therefore the alphabet that we create must have animals linked with them of the same alphabetical association.  

This piece is similar to the one above however I think it is much more appropriate to younger children due to the style and detail. These figures are associated alphabetically with animals of the same letters eg. E for elephant.

These next pieces are some of my favourite I have seen, they would also be appropriate for small children, and show how simple illustrations can be created for children without having to stoop to the classic heavy cartoons with heavy outlines like those seen above.

I think that this is the best alphabet I have found for children, the illustrations are simple, much like a middle meeting between the heavy cartoons and minimalist illustrations seen above. It is also to see the shape and detect which letter is which, The shape of the animal does not distract from this which is important to consider when designing for a young audience. The illustrations are in a range of bright colours and have appropriate cheery expressions great for young children.

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