Tuesday 25 November 2014

OUGD601 / COP3: Resolving your research project - Third lecture.

How to structure the written element of the COP3 project. 

What you are going to address. 
How you are going to address it.
What are your intentions. 

Academic conventions are like an institutional framework for your work. They structure and standardise. They aspire to academic honesty.
Excellent pieces of academic writing:
- Demonstrate a critical knowledge of practice / born out of a wealth of research - question and interrogate sources. 
- Apply theory to practice.
- Analyse relevant material.
- Evaluate theory and evidence within the context of study.
- Reflect on your learning.  

Deep engagement with the topic. 

New Blooms Taxonomy:
- Creating. / Synthesis.
- Evaluating. 
- Analysing. 
- Applying.
- Understanding.
- Remembering. 

Do you accept your sources, or challenge them and unpick them? 
Don't just write quotes and reflect on them. Analyse, question, criticise them. 

Independent engagement with the material. 
critical and thoughtful about ideas.
Relate ideas to own previous experience and knowledge.
Sees the big picture.
Relates evidence to conclusions.
Examines logic of arguments.
Interested in wider reading and thinking.
On going preparation and reflection. 

Academic writing is formal and follows some standard conventions. 
Use specialist vocabulary. 
The substance of academic writing must be based on solid evidence and logical analysis, and presented as a concise, accurate argument.
Academic writing can allow you to present your argument and analysis accurately and concisely.

Say the artist / writer is terrible, but explain why you don't agree.
Concise and direct style of writing.
No rhetorical flounces.
No conversational tone. 

Never say I, I think, No first person. 

- Avoid repeating the same words.

Aim for precision, do not use uncertain language - maybe this etc.
Aim for short sentences over long. 

Avoid abbreviations and contractions.
Avoid slang words and phrases.
Avoid conversational terms.
Avoid vague terms. 

Avoid first person unless ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL. 

Preliminaries - Title / acknowledgments / contents / lists of illustrations.

introduction - The abstract / statement of the problem / Methodological approach. summaries question your asking, How you aim to answer methodology. What am I using and why? 500 words.

Main Body - Review of the literature / logically developed argument / chapters results of investigation / case study.

Conclusion - Discussion and conclusion / summary of conclusions.

Extras - Bibliography / Appendices.  Interview - transcribe it.


Quotes longer than two lines seperated and single line spaced and indented. 
8 sources all cross referenced on one page.
Summarise in a paragraphy the particular points made by one source. 

Don't be a negative Nancy.

Project self reflection: 

Write down major aims of the project.
Give a brief summary of the work so far.
Comment on your time management.
Do you know what the final project will look like?

Its okay to narrow down.
To decrease the scale.

If i had more words I would have liked to have looked into... critical reflection and time management. 

Don't prioritise one element over the other. 

Document on Estudio of how to layout dissertation.
2 copies of your dissertation to be submitted. 

submit an electronic submission box on Estudio. - One document.

The print and copy bureau at Leeds university.
Monday to Friday 8:30 - 5:30.
Rodger Stevens building. 

Go before the 10th of January to bind. 

Always italicise on all.
Bolden all.
just be consistent! 

(Miles, 2013, p.7)
(Smith in Miles, 2013, p.7)

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