Saturday 8 December 2012

OUGD401 Lecture notes: Film.

Auteur is french for author.
A filmaker influenced by…

Like an artist, creates original work, you have creative control and have a personal film language. 
Auteurs often start the conventions of genre, but do not follow them.

Auteur theory, Sarris 1962.
The technical competence of the director, understood technology could innovate.
personal style, signature film making.
Deeper interior meaning, not superficial, director has depth.

Why Hitchcock?

Long career beginning in early years of film history.
First films were British and silent.
Worked in Britain until left for America in the 40's.
Very innovative.
Works in a silent era.
Known as the master of suspense, and always thinks about the audiences reception.
Started a lot of Genres. Film physco started of the American slasher films.
INspired by avante grade art movement such as expressionism, surrealism.
French new wave named him as an auteur.

Technical competence.
Use of expressionistic lighting.
Innovative with subjective camera.
Align audiences view with characters in the film.
Master of montage. Cover explicit.

Round about 1920 when Hitchcock joins the film industry.
Began to work for a film company in Britain - expressionist studio more involved with emotion.
1925, Hitchcock is sent to Germany. 
to see Murnau's. First Dracula film, expressionism, monsters/ dracula formed via lighting etc. no realism.
Returns to Gainsburugh given job as director.

Sharing the same gaze. Subjective camera.

Dolly  zoom. 
Vertigo zoom. 
Vertigo - to show a mans fear of heights.

Cutting and montage.
'What is drama but life with the dull bits cut out?' Hitchcock.
Psycho storyboard 1960.

Personal Style
Expressionism - Interested in emotion - fear repulsion horror suspense.
Cameo appearances from the director.
Very aware of the camera, film is told through visuals. visual narratives.
Cary Grant, Doris Day, Joan fontaine. Set of actors he always comes back to.
Blonde actresses.
All his films have suspense. 

Suspense is generated when the audience can see danger his characters cannot see.
'There is no terror in the bang of the gun, only the anticipation of it'
could use very little gore to get ideas across and provoke fear in the viewer.
'Give them pleasure the same pleasure they have when they wake up from a nightmare' Adrenaline buzz.

Collaborated with Salvador Dali.

Films described as a search for identity.
Interested in the death drive for Freudian psychology, for characters to be self destructive.
Interested in the tension between guilt and desire.

A lot of directors given the label Auteur are mainly male.
describes a cannon of films made by elites.
Offers a universal view of quality - Universal films.
It is a capitalist device by selling a film by virtue of its director.

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