Wednesday 1 January 2014

OUGD504: Design for print and web/Studio brief 3 - Deli branding research.

I went to Behance to begin looking at deli's that have previously been branded.

Food Market

Below is some branding I found for a food market, I found it particularly inspiring how the designer of this establishment had created an all round personality. Appropriately applying a brand across all surfaces of the market, Products, promotion and store aesthetic in order to create an all round identity. 
I also found the packaging side of the brand very effective, and liked how they had used the idea of pattern/print. Using a consistent tile of imagery, overlaid by the brand logo in a lower opacity. On top of this is a sticker, with the name of the food and the brand clearly displayed.

Butcher shop

Large quantity of red used in combination with black as a colour system, combined with hand drawings which make the brand appear very organic. The red also seems fitting as it seems to reflect images of meat and blood, connotated with a butchers shop. The use of digitalised stamps that have influenced the design also add to the hand rendered appearence.  

The Caribou deli

I found this menu design on Behance and thought that the way in which they had used a unique typeface as an accent to make interesting and otherwise standard menu, was a great way to keep something simple yet not boring. The typeface they have used as an accent also looks like one that mimics a hand drawn font.   

The Daily Dill.

I liked this branding for similar reasons that I did for the food market. The designer has used one simple motif (logo) and applied this continiously to create a pattern. I do however feel that as the design is solely monochrome, and totally digital based, also rigidly grid based that it lacks humanisation, which Is what I think people look for when buying food. The use of solely machine based tools, initiates the idea that the food has been make solely by machines, and not by hands as we wood prefer.

Deli Sabroso

I simply picked up on the design of this deli based upon its logo, again the branding is entirely simple, With the simple use of one colour against a background. Again used is red, against a natural calming colour. One of the typefaces also mimicks that of a hand drawn one (Sabroso), that is regularly seem written on blackboards outside food establishments. 


A deli for family made mexican food. The main reason that I picked up on this brand was the execution of how it had been presented, from the branding itself, to the super imposed images of the brand against real food products, uniforms, packaging etc. 

Bon Appetit

This was the last deli brand that I came across which I found inspiring, again they used a consistent print made up of hand rendered images of food items. Overlayed upon this is further hand rendered illustrsations of a different style and information about the deli. The colour combination is grey and a warm orange against an off white/ cream colour. 

After looking at these examples of branding I found that my favourite colour combination was the use of red against the natural grainy tone of light brown paper. It also seemed to be the most common colour scheme that I came across in my research. for this reason I had a look into the psychology and association of the colour red with food. In doing so I found the following information:

'Food for Thought

While blue is one of the most popular colors it is one of the least appetizing. Blue food is rare in nature. Food researchers say that when humans searched for food, they learned to avoid toxic or spoiled objects, which were often blue, black, or purple. When food dyed blue is served to study subjects, they lose appetite.
Green, brown, and red are the most popular food colors. Red is often used in restaurant decorating schemes because it is an appetite stimulant.' source
It seems that red is one of the most popular colours as it seemingly encourages people to eat. This maybe due to the connotation of filling foods such as meat and sauces etc. Also referenced is the relationship of natural colours with food, therefore I think that the best colour combination for my own deli would be red, with accents of black for elements such as body copy for menus against a stock of light brown, a natural colour often seen in the landscape of nature. 

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