Create a small publication which ponders with the idea 'Can Graphic design change the world'. Focusing mostly on newspaper and magazine (editorial) questioning the idea put forth by McLuhan, and the global village, that these platforms would thrust us into a global embrace.
The piece would begin with the question 'Can graphic design change the world?'. Followed by this would be a news headline. The bind of the book would be a coil sort across the top. in which the user would flick through them backwards, somewhat pulling the pages from the back over the top of the coil.
The next page to be flipped over would be a the news headline of a story, In a Newspaper set up, much like someone would see when approaching a news paper. The user may choose to read the news article. However it has been somewhat proved that we are not able to empathise with these stories, because we do not experience them. We do not create a rapor.
And so this is what I wanted to focus on, building a rapor with the reader and the person/people involved in the news story. and slowing by flipping each page, build up a rapor/ backstory of those/ the person involved.
The aim of the piece is to try to get the reader to feel empathy for the people involved. I then want to question the readers, ask them if the rapor which has attempted to be built has touched them in any way etc. and then flip back to the beginning page 'Has graphic design changed the world'.
Create a piece of graphic design that catches peoples natural reactions to both local and global news stories.
This could be in the form of posters/ a book or more so, an idea that I thought was more appropriate for the concept was a short supplement which could be slipped inside news papers, or delivered separately with letters/ newspapers on the daily round.
This idea was inspired by over hearing a dialogue between two people whilst the news was on. On the television there was a news story documenting the shooting of a 15 year old girl. Three young boys of around the same age were arrested in conjunction with the crime. I wasn't intentionally listening for a reaction. However I found that the people watching, completely dismissed the news story, instead of making any comment on it at all, they instead focused solely on making unnecessary comments about the news readers appearance whilst laughing. I started to realise that this was the evidence that we were not even localised, never mind globalised. we were not able to care for those on our own shores, of a short distance, before even thinking of those of polar locations. Then it struck me, If only were were able to see directly our own reactions to the stories, would we be embarrassed or would we still turn a blind eye?
The supplement could be designed so that a headline/image of the news story sits on the left page of a double page spread. On the right hand side of the page is the reaction to the story which I have documented.
For some I may be able to document instant reflex reactions to stories, and for others I may have to revise a set of questions in which I show people a newspaper story and ask them questions to document their thoughts.
However looking at my idea again I felt that there was a way in which I could improve it, I considered instead of trying to circulate the information via a paper based platform, that circulating it via the internet would be more appropriate, as i had talked in my essay about how new communicative devices such as the mobile phone and particularly the internet had influenced and changed the way in which people lived their lives.
The new plan:
The new plan would be to take exactly the same idea, however adjust it to be distributed on the internet. I thought about how news travels fastest online, and I came to the conclusion that it was mostly via social networking, a bi product of the invention of the internet. I could create a web page using the same content which could be shared virally on social networks.
The design would have exactly the same format but make use of a web slider. the web slider would be split into two sections. On the left hand side would be a story, local or global, and on the right, and ignorant comment made about the story which proves were not globalised.
To improve the ideas strength and purpose, I was told that I should look at themes or things that Mcluhan prescribed the global village thesis would do or improve and find quotes from academics to back these up. this way I could use a quote as a slide and then contradict the quote with the evidence I had found with the news stories and ignorant comments.
I looked both at my essay and the globalization entry on... to find themes of which I came up with a set of four:
However once finding these I spent quite some time looking for stories online on facebook, bbc news, and a selection of news papers and i found that It was very hard to find any evidence. Most news sites seemed to monitor the comments, not have a comments section, or there were generally no ignorant comments apart from some internet trolls.
It was here that I realised I couldn't chance the success and progress of my project/response, on the hope of finding ignorant comments to prove a point. Therefore I decided to go back and look at my essay for inspiration.
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