Tuesday 15 April 2014

OUGD505: Studio brief 2 - Aromatherapy candles.

As I had suggested in my previous research and presentation, my plan for the last brief of 505 is to create a range of packaging and promotions for a range of aromatherapy candles at Yankee candle. 
Firstly I wanted to analyse past and current design for aromatherapy candles/ products on the market. 

I noticed when looking at other brands with aromatherapy that some have a very medicinal aesthetic, this must be due to the process in which Aromatherapy candles work and their purpose, to treat ailments. I also noticed that the navy and white is a common colour choice reminiscent of blue antique medicine bottles.  

Again the aesthetic of the blue medicine bottle has been used again but in a more modern sense, using materials such as plastics, with the more concurrent spray tops for easy use. The design looks somewhat more contemporary through the implication of sans serif typeface over serif and modern pattern. The designer has also included a colour code in which each colour represents another treatment. This could be a good idea to incorporate into my project, to make it easy for customers to identify the product they are looking for, for a certain ailment. 

I picked up on this packaging design not only for their solid concept (consistent packaging with colour code and relevant names) but also because of the experimental packaging and how the package unfolds to reveal the product. However the spike aesthetic of this box is not something I would follow as the shapes, as well as the tall pyramid it is encompassed in is too harsh and hostile a shape for an aromatherapy candle, I do however believe the colours, thin typography and flowing line illustrations are fitting to the product. 

Again this is another medicinal design I found however It appears to be a more premium option, with the use of other colours such as silver and longer paragraphs of writing. I think that to stay in tune with the Yankee candle brand straying away from the medicinal aesthetic would be more appropriate. As often medicine is connotated with serious illness, I want to abolish this idea from the packaging, and instead create something much more calm and serene, that is almost spa inspired. 

I noticed the {be}well range mainly because of the strong and simple concept. Again the products are colour coded for easy identification however it is the names of the products which really caught my eye. The {be}well range uses similar and consistent subtitles throughout keeping the {be} as a continual fixture and interchaning such words as joyful (to boost spirit),and rested (to help improve sleep). I feel that a strong product range name such as this will give the range more of a solid stance within the company and a more successful beginning. 

A very pharmasutical approach to aromatherapy products, created to relieve and help with specific ailments such as sore throat, allergies, fainting, seas sickness etc. Items are colour coded and in traditional tins, with traditional hand drawn illustrations, however are given a contemporary touch with bright pops of colour. The traditional illustrations would work well for a brand such as Yankee candle, however the colour would have to be substituted for more neutral tones or no colour at all. 

I really liked this packaging design due to its simplicity and how much the designer had considered the users ability to understand and navigate their way around the product. The product is simply labelled and the user is able to detect the 7 scents which combine to create each collection, and pick out each one individually to burn as one wants. The packaging is consistent throughout and makes use of a clever change in colour and pattern to detect the difference between scents. The products have a great bearing on the contemporary market, due to the pattern design and minimalist style.

These candles have a very feminine approach with a soft and dainty colour pallet, combined with a few pops of colour. The packaging has a consistent floral pattern also very feminine which is processed in foil to communicate that the brand is more so a premium selection of candles, rather than for those on a budget. The candles are also packaged in a drawer like box, making it easy for the user to smell the scent of the candle before they buy which is something very important to remember. 

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