Tuesday 29 April 2014

COP2 Practical project / Barbie: Initial designs.

COP 2. 

As I had noticed that lots of the other boxes Barbie had been in mimicked the idea of the box being a room that Barbie is in. Therefore I thought about where Barbie could be in context, within the box I am designing. The whole idea of the doll is to portray a more integral life, and so the idea came to me that more children, with the change of culture, are spending more time alone in their own rooms on laptops/tablets etc, then they do in any other part of the house or outside. Even boys do this, playing with their friends on online games on xbox and playstation etc rather than actually socialising with them. For this reason I have chosen to theme the inside of the box as Barbie's bedroom. 

Using the above room designs for inspiration, I began sketching out the inside of the box which will double as Barbies bedroom, I wanted to do a very feminine and plush design with quite a lot of curved and cushioned furniture. I also wanted to create a design in which the items I will be placing inside the box could sit appropriately and in context. Therefore I cleverly positioned a shelf and desk into the design, the shelf would hold the tablet, whilst the desk would hold the laptop and the mobile phone would be attached to the doll. 

With an idea in mind I created a quick model in sketch up using furniture from the google 3d warehouse to gain an accurate perspective of the design, to ensure I was drawing each object from the right angle. These are not the objects I will be using in my design, however they give me an accurate view and set of shapes to work with 

I then created a digital version of the net I had previously sketched up, to scale In exact size to ensure, even through I was creating a vector image it was the correct size. I did this but inputting all the values I described in my box dimensions post.

Next I combined the perspective model on sketch up with the net. Here I could plan out an position the objects on the packaging so that there was enough room on the desk for the laptop, the tablet on the shelf and the mini book underneath the desk. I began creating the design on illustrator by combining a number of elements. My colour choices stemmed from the photos of Barbie bedrooms seen above, the style, from the sketch I had previously drawn of the room and the perspective model in order to do the illustrations from the right angles.

I began tracing over the model implementing the style I had prescribed (much more feminine and girly than the furniture in the model). Step by step I built up the illustration adding layers, and working through a colour pallet of many different pinks.

Below is the inside of the box almost finished, I do think that the design looks quite hectic, however it is clear from my research that Barbie is very over the top. I found it quite difficult to work with a pallet of solely pinks and white, as it was difficult to not have parts of the design blending into one another but I believe I succeded in the end. 

I also added further touches to the design such as the carrier bag in the bottom right hand corner which reads 'Barbie online shop' The aim of this packaging, is to show how integral we have become as a globe instead of more embraceable. I reference the line 'Theres no need to go outside, we can shop online!' this is a further application of this part of the concept. Below I also changed up some more of the colours to ensure further that they do not blend into one another.  

Next I will move onto designing the mobile, tablet and laptop that will come inside of the box as Barbie's accessories. using my scale illustration / design above I placed where abouts I would like these items to be attached to the box. 

I already knew the size which I wanted the book to be and so this is inputted into the bottom of the design. However by also placing the tablet and Laptop into the design I was able to gage the size they would need to be, I also checked the sizes of these against the Barbie doll to make sure that they wouldn't be out of proportion. 

width: 30mm
height: 40mm

Laptop screen:
width: 50mm
height: 35mm

Laptop keyboard:
width: 50mm
height: 30mm

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