Sunday 14 October 2012

OUGD401 Context of practice Study task 2.

As an exercise to try and get creative juices flowing in reflection to talking and writing about design, we were asked in small groups to create an analysis and response to the 2013/14 prospectus design, building constructive criticisms upon these.   

My five criticisms are as follows;

1.  The Prospectus seemed just too clinical for an art college.
The way in which the prospectus was laid out, the over use of white and black, masses of texts, non welcoming photos, made the prospectus seem far too formal which is a far cry from the bold statement piece than can be seen on the front cover. The inside pages of the catalogue oozed a demeanor that visually spoke of those common PPI advertisements (most apparent on the principals welcome) rather than a great welcome into a thriving art college.

2. Each sections appeared the same.
There was no individuality as far as presenting courses were concerned. Each one portrayed with the same type and layout of images, small titles, wrong hierarchy. We found that as a group looking through the prospectus we flicked past our course because there was nothing individual we could identify it by. 

3. The college promotes itself on its traditionality and heritage, yet the publication is minimalist.
None of the pages show any form of heritage or tradition, there is no contextual underpinning to these products that suggests Leeds College of art speak of tradition. There is no ornamentation, with use of sans serif fonts. The prospectus almost combats the college's aim, drowning itself in scenes of minimalist columns of text and unnecessary photography.

4. In layout, the prospectus seems back to front.
First looking at the COLLEGE prospectus, we are given information on Leeds, then the courses, the entry requirements and how to find us. As a student who could have been viewing the college prospectus this year I felt the publication had been put together in the wrong order. In my opinion the first thing I should be able to read about is the courses, as initially I am choosing my place of study based upon If the course is right for me, this is then followed by the surrounding location. I would like to know the entry requirements within this section so I can see what I need to do to get in and then what I will be doing once receiving a place. This then continues on to information on leeds to see if I like the surrounding area and then how to find the college if I decide to come on an open day. 

5. Printing.
There is a change in paper part way through the publication which almost interrupts the piece rather than adheres to it. The change from white pages to black also seems slightly unnecessary or would make more sense if done more regularly. The front cover is something that I do very much like about the prospectus, the combination of red and blue seem slightly off key, however what lets it down mostly is the ink that has been used onto of the good quality card. The colour of the card is view able through the ink creating a sense that there has been a lack of thought into what ink has been chosen to print with.


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