Wednesday 24 October 2012

OUGD401 Graphic Design: A medium for the masses Lecture notes.

Giotto di Bondone - Representation of visual communication heritage. It repeats the idea that we studied in yesterdays Design principles session with fred about signs, symbols and signifiers, symbols within the painting allow us to understand what this piece is trying to present through a standard visual language.

Introduction of the term graphic design: William Addison Dwiggins.

Richard Hollis: 'Graphic design is the business of making or choosing marks and arranging them on a surface to coney an idea'. 

'Whatever the information transmitted, It must ethically and culturally, reflect its responsibility to society.' - Josef Muller-Brockman.

Graphic design comes out of Modernity. 

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.

Graphic design takes inspiration from fine art for example the use of geometric shapes.
Evident in works such as El Lizzitzkys, 'Beat the whites with the red wedge'.


Oskar Schlemmer, Bauhaus logo, 1922.
Bauhaus is the first place where graphic design is taught, where it can be considered as a discipline and thought about intellectually. 

Piet Zwart (Dutch) het boek van PTT.

German design 1934-36.
Lots of patriotic symbolism, use of swastica, common symbolism of triangle piecing a circle and the use of black letter which reigned during the nazi period. 

Lets squash Fascism.
blurs the line between fine art, graphic design, visual and popular culture.

Using new techonoligies to create graphic design. 

1950's Graphic design, after the war very much had a focus on adveritising. With an audience that were out of the hardships for war, designers were then able to focus on design with a consumerism based Nature, as there was a growth in money through society.

'We have been bombarded with publications devoted this belief applauding the work of those who have flogged their skill and imagination to sell such things as cat food, stomach powders, detergent, hair restorer, striped toothpaste, aftershave lotion...' Ken Garland - First things First Manifesto. as pictured below.


Peter Saville
The factory club night poster.


'Use hearing protection' became synonymous with Factory records.
His project was 3 days late. Lost the focus of the intention of the piece and focused too much on aesthetics.

Peter Saville. New order, blue Monday, Sleeve design, 1983.
Company lost 30 pence every time they sold one of these records due to cost of production. Company eventually went bankrupt as they focused mainly on the music than the success of the company.


Mark Farrow. Spiritualised. Ladies and Gentlemen were floating in space. 1997.
Music was very drug related.
on the front of the cover, '12 tablets 70 minutes'
the 12 songs came on separate discs that were enclosed in scaled up pill packets. As visible on the font of the sleeve there is an emphasis on circles to again reiterate this common theme.


United colours of Benetton advertising.



Is it selling you a lifestyle?
Moral virtue?
advertising used to draw attention and heavy publicity rather than to sell a style or trend. 

Stop racism from invading football.

Graphic design is a relatively young discipline.
Links between Graphic design and different disciplines, e.g. fine art, advertising are arguably become increasingly blurred.
Although born out of consumerist/capitalist interests, Graphic design is arguably becoming increasingly concerned with social issues.
Graphic design prides itself on having a moral and social conscience. 

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