Tuesday 23 December 2014

OUGD601 / Context of practice 3 - Practical element: Chocolate concept.-


The original concept of my COP 3 proposal was to rebrand an already existing CSPO (Certified sustainable palm oil) chocolate bar, and market it, as I have discovered best in researching my dissertation. However via a search I have not been able to find a small CSPO chocolate brand. However I did find the chocolate bar below called Endangered species chocolate, in which, through its range of filled chocolate bars aims to support species conservation and habitat preservation by donating 10% of net profits to partner organisations such as; the African Wildlife foundation and Xerces society.

My aim is to create a chocolate bar brand that carries the same aims of species conservation and habitat preservation, where palm oil is sustainably harvested. The focus of sustainable harvest for Endangered species chocolate is protect animal habitat and life via sustainable cacao harvesting. I want my branding and marketing to act as a standard or example as to what marketing and branding should entail when working with sustainable/ green products, services and causes.  

For the chocolate bar branding I am to create a brand including logo and packaging. 
With large scale printed marketing such as billboard and bus shelters.
An animated campaign talking about the great initiative of the CSPO chocolate in relation to animals and habitats.

In terms of the design I aim to listen to that desired in my dissertation and brand and advertise the chocolate to be better over greener. To compete with all chocolate bars on elements of fun, creativity, simplicity, honesty and aesthetic. When talking about the CSPO initiative I am to do so in a positive and interactive way, that will act as an add on to the already established delicious chocolate brand, over that being the sole tool for the brand. 

What I need to look into:
- Creative chocolate branding and packaging. 
- Successful chocolate brands. 
- Sustainable and unsustainable harvesting of Palm oil.
- Successful and unsuccessful green campaigns / initiatives. 

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