Saturday 27 December 2014

OUGD601 / Context of Practice - Practical element: Building the brand.


FOCUS on a name to communicate the chocolate itself, something about its taste, texture or other attribute that puts it above others. But also consider how the name could also, if possible reflect the green attributes of the brand. The aim is to appear as a regular chocolate bar brand, but also be clever about the inclusion of green morals.

Firstly I look at names to describe an element that is so desired in chocolate - the smoothness and creaminess.


I didn't feel that any of the adjectives found in this list were appropriate names for a chocolate brand. I found the term Velvety both in this list and the one below, however I know that this adjective in particular is often used by chocolate brand galaxy, and I didn't want there to be any misconceptions or mix ups about the origin of the brand and so It is best to avoid this term completely. 


Again a lot of the terms achieved from this word search produced a list of adjectives that weren't particularly appetising for edible products. Next I searched a word that was particularly based upon a strong edible sense. 


From this list I found the adjective heavenly which I felt was a great name for a chocolate bar company, as customers would first associate the name of the brand with the taste and feel of the chocolate, but the name could and would also describe the nature of the brand. And so... Heavenly by name, Heavenly by taste, Heavenly by nature. 


Heavenly needs to define itself as a brand to follow not only in branding sustainable or green chocolate, but a brand for sustainable products, services and causes as a whole. For this reason, Heavenly aims to create a system based upon the ways to attract 21st century consumers defined in 'How can sustainability be made more attractive to the 21st century consumer?'

Competitive with its competitors:
The chocolate brand needs to be compete with rivals, not based upon how 'sustainable' or 'green' the brand is, but on all other elements that consumers look for in a product. 
- How well does it function/ does it function the best?
- How attractive is the packaging?
- What descriptors are used to sell the product 'great for the environment' or 'deliciously tasty'.

Tone of voice and communication:
In terms of communicating anything to do with the brands sustainable morals, this need to be done in a simple clear and inviting way. 
- If sustainability is marketed with a lot of complexity, it becomes too difficult for the consumer to understand and interest is lost. 
- Heavenly also needs to be light hearted in its tone of voice, although the effects of unsustainable palm oil are unbelievably serious including deforestation, destruction of animal habitat and species, and sometimes villages. However Heavenly must talk about such issues in a light hearted manner, not i an educational way but much more conversational, the idea is to talk to the consumer over teach them

The key is to be positive when marketing sustainability as when laced with doom and gloom, consumers become very stressed, and therefore want to run in the opposite direction. If sustainability is communicated in a positove and aspirational way, consumers will want to be involved as the positive vibes from involving themselves will over fill into their own lives. 

Gains over sacrifices:
Often sustainable as spoken about by Steve Howard in his TED Talk (Let's go all out on Selling Sustainability) was thought as of compromise, and also sacfrifice. Heavenly must focus on what the consumer gains from the product. They must gain the tastly delicious treat that will sedate their chocolate craving when buying the product, not buy something that just taste ok, but works wonders for something they feel is entirely seperate to their lives (for example animal habitat in Indonesia). (Often the consumer is disinterested with such issues as they don't have much of a direct affect on their lives.

Therefore It is important that the product distances itself from other traditional sustainable products with a marketing focus of being green. This also includes choice of colour pallet. In order to attract 21st century consumers Heavenly must distance itself aesthetically from other green brands, which means subtracting the colour green out of the design equation almost absolutely. Instead the upmost importance will be what is the best set of colours to sell the product, more so as this is an edible product, what colours would be most appetising?

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