Tuesday 6 January 2015

OUGD601 / Context of Practice - Heavenly Chocolate: Advertising and promotion.


Today I began working on the advertising and promotional aspect of the designs. It is important that the advertising follows the same themes as the previous design pieces, with a focus on selling the product at hand for its qualities such as taste, texture and enjoyment, over the greeness of a brand. As discovered in research from my previous pieces and for the extended writing, marketing and advertising needs to be used as a tool to compete will its competitors to be the best overall, overall in terms of taste, enjoyment, sense of fulfillment from the product, texture etc over being green. 

Therefore I decided to do 3 different adveritisement designs, 2 in the scale of 12 sheet billboards and the other the size of a bus shelter/ portrait rotating billboard. This would allow the promotional items to be put in a wide range of areas and be seen by pedestrians, car drivers and bus passengers. 

I have based the designs for the billboards mainly on the Heavenly story and each promotional piece has a theme or purpose. I will draw upon all previous illustrations done for the Heavenly story and use these for consistency across the range, as well as using the same colour pallet. 

No.1 - Inform the consumer of the amazing taste of Heavenly. (Bus shelter)

No. 2 - Also inform of the great taste of Heavenly, but nods towards how great the nature of the product is. (12 Sheet billboard)

No.3 - Emphasise the ease of the Heavenly movement, but also nod towards how the product is so good, it is to be shared with everyone and used endlessley. 


Text to be included on the poster:

-A little taste of Heaven. (play on words - fun and lighthearted)
- Silky smooth chocolately truffle enveloped in a layer of scrumptious melt in your mouth milk chocolate. (Emphasis on taste)  
- Social media. 

With the phrase a little taste of Heaven I imagined the chocolate bar up in the clouds, reiterating the same concept seen on the front of the chocolate bar surrounded by beams of light. 

I sketched up the idea for this billboard and then started to digitalise it in illustrator. Will a strong brand Image already established, I was able to take lots of inspiration from the pieces I had already completed in terms of colour, style, illustrations and typefaces. The pieces uses the exact same colour pallet and 3d illustrated chocolate effect in order to construct an appetising appearance seen throughout the brand. 

The whole idea of the piece was to make the chocolate look visually 'Heavenly'. The emphasis is put on the chocolate bar in the centre, whilst the rest of the piece is in support of this. The composition when finished, almost gives off the persona of magic, giving the illusion that not only is the chocolate Heavenly it is somewhat magical. 


Text to be included on the poster:

-Heavenly by name, Heavenly by taste, Heavenly by nature. (Taken from the Heavenly story)
- Social media. 

This poster takes a lot of visual influence from the previous poster as I want to encourage a strong brand visual and consistency, where the scale and shape of the billboards change. 

Again as the main feature and theme is the idea of the chocolate being heavenly it aroused the same style of visuals as the previous poster in a landscape format, with simple type conveying the message.


Text to be included on the poster:

-Spread the Joy (taken from the Heavenly story)
- Snap it, melt it, love it, buy it, gift it. Share the moment, share the movement. 
- Social media. 

The advertisement aims to expand on the heavenly story, sharing the sense of joy that one will receive from not only buying the chocolate for themselves but sharing the Heavenly chocolate brand with others, thus provoking a mass involvement of the involvement of a single person. However this is not the only theme of the advertisement, the advertisement gives the possible consumer the idea that with the purchase of Heavenly they will not just acquire a joyful moment in consuming the chocolate, they will also become part of something larger, a movement. Thus giving them a sense of self empowerment as spoken about in Obamas presedential campaign by Clendaniel (2013) and incorporated into the TOMS spread of TOMS ad video (2009).

Visually the advertisement aims so use the same layout as the previous poster with an emphasis on the visual of a gift, so that when consumers are purchasing Heavenly chocolate they feel that they are receiving something special, rather than sacrificing money that sustains green causes, as shown in earlier researched chocolate bars 'IQ chocolate' and 'Endangered species chocolate.' Heavenly works for the consumer, and for the world. 


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