Wednesday 14 January 2015

OUGD601 / Context of Practice - Heavenly Chocolate: Evaluation.



Looking back at the project I feel that I have created something that directly synthesises with and represents visually, the conclusion that i came to in my extended piece of writing. After hearing comments from others on the aesthetics of the collection, I feel that it does well to entice 21st century consumers towards sustainability. This was the ultimate goal for the project, to draw in consumers purely based on everything about the product that wasn't its green nature. I feel that the aesthetics of the packaging does this very well.  With a combination of colour print and foiled details, the chocolate bar looks like nothing else on the shelf and can easily fit in with its non green counter parts, aesthetically becoming part of the norm. There were some issues in the final production stages with the chocolate packaging, as unfortunately the back panel seen with nutritional table is upside down, However, I do not feel that this hinders the design and it is easy to see what it should look like. However, If I had more time I would have reproduced and printed the packaging without error. 

I also feel that the Heavenly story on the back of the wrapper design has been one of the most successful parts of the project. It tells the sustainable story of Heavenly in the way perscribed in my extended writing conclusion. It is fun, light hearted, positive, self empowering and simple, it removes the doom and gloom of most sustainable marketing and instead promotes positivity. To take this further or develop this more, it would have been beneficial to see how I could play with colour and the existing pallet, to create something even more visually eye catching. The same goes for the promotional video which I feel it worked on further experimenting with both colour and more experience in the program, could be made more eye catching. The video could have also been improved and made even more eye catching with further and more knowledge of After effects, with differentiation and complexity of transitions for more variation. However I do feel that the video serves its purpose, to interest the 21st century consumer on one of their frequently visited platforms (social media), in a style attractive to them. 

The billboards are a further representation of the Heavenly brand using the method to communicate and advertise Heavenly just as other 'non green' brands are communicated. To further this section of advertising I would have like to consider how an interactive bilboard could have drawn more people not to Heavenlys green morals, but the brand as a whole. This is what Heavenly presents itself as, a brand that is desirable, delicious, joyful and good for the earth. A mistake made commonly by green brands is that they are marketed as just that, all other elements of the product and therefore brand are forgotten about. Again I think it could have been beneficial to play with colours to catch the attention of pedestrians and people in cars however, the colours chosen have a necessary and strong purpose, to be appetising and edible. This project has definately urged me to look more closely at design elements such as choice of type, layout and more so colour, and the psycology of colour and its affects. Not only has it taught me how far to look into each component of the brand, it has taught me to look at how many components can be used to communicate the brand from the product itself (chocolate) to packaging, printed advertising and video advertising.  

I intended to give a solution to the lack of attraction to sustainability for 21st century consumers as I am constantly trying to open up and increase my range of skills in relation to branding, which is where my interests lie. I now feel somewhat more experienced and ready to work on branding and from fulfilling this brief, feel that more so than ever I can help to produce a new standard of green branding and marketing to entice 21st century consumers and use my skills for the greater good. Although Im not necessarily a designer that works on projects 24/7 that others would deem ethical (I judge this by my own standard), I feel that I am more knowledgable, more so than others to welcome opportunities in the ethical design arena.  

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